Rockhopper (commonly abbreviated as RH, or referred to by his title, Captain Rockhopper) is a friendly pirate who docks at irregular intervals at Club Penguin Island, usually with gifts, or knowledge.
His ship is only docked at the Beach on special Club Penguin parties or events. He keeps a journal of his adventures, and sells rare items brought over from Rockhopper Island and other places. When he comes to Club Penguin Island, he gives away a free item and sells other items to member penguins in the Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog. The catalog includes items such as pirate hats like the Puffle Bandana, telescopes, backgrounds, furniture, and other wares.
The Migrator
As a pirate, Rockhopper is the owner of a ship. His ship, the Migrator, is his main form of transportation to-and-from Club Penguin Island, to Rockhopper Island.The Migrator is supposedly built from wood as, according to Rockhopper, it was assembled on Club Penguin Island. It is a streamlined ship with two floors, high-rise sails, and multiple portholes. Rockhopper has used the ship in many expeditions for which he has documented in his journal. In addition, the Migrator is offered to the penguins as a place to play Treasure Hunt, as well as donate to Coins for Change, if a Holiday Party is taking place.
As a mascot
As a mascot, Rockhopper infrequently visits the island as a meetable character; and, in turn, allowing players to obtain his stamp and giveaway. When he does appear, he is sometimes accompanied by his red puffle, Yarr. The two would walk around the island playing "games" with penguins and telling tales of their adventures at sea.Character
The original idea of Rockhopper started when a Club Penguin moderator, named Pirate, suggested that they should have a pirate to make the Lighthouse more exciting. With positive feedback, the team began working on what would eventually be Rockhopper.Rockhopper Early Sketch
Early concept art depicting Pirate's design of Rockhopper.Early drafts of Rockhopper featured him as a parrot. Eventually, however, Pirate fashioned a sculpture resembling modern day Rockhopper which Lance Priebe (Rsnail) thought looked nice. Happy with the appearance of the pirate captain, the designers got to work make Pirate's idea a reality.
Rockhopper is shown to be a seafaring, adventurous pirate who is extremely brave and courageous, doing things such as fighting off a gigantic squid with only the help of Yarr and his Snow Cannon 3000.He is also shown to like the finer things in life, as he has often stated that he would rather sit down and enjoy a cream soda rather than journey around the land. However, on the other hand, Rockhopper has shown his love for the sea many times; such as when he crashed his ship prior to the events of Rockhopper's Quest and he was so sad that he rebuilt his Migrator to power to the island on a long journey before he built a beacon there so he could travel safely.
Clothes Items:
- Rockhopper's Hat
- Rockhopper's Coat
- Rockhopper's Eyebrows
- Rockhopper's Beard
- Rockhopper's Hat Aug 2012
- Rockhopper's Belt
- Rockhopper's Santa Hat
- Rockhopper's Santa Hat (ID 1753)
- Rockhopper's Holiday 2013 Beard
- Rockhopper's Santa Coat
- Migrator Mascot Body (during Fall Fair)
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