Jet Pack Adventure

Jet Pack Adventure is a Club Penguin mini-game that can be accessed from the Beacon. If the player makes it to the end of Level 5, they travel to the Mine. If a player loses before the end of the game, he or she will land in the room they were flying above before they lost, which is unknown when you are flying.

Players travel from location to location using a jetpack, collecting coins along the way. If the player runs out of Jet Packs, a short cut scene shows the penguin falling from the sky and falling (in the Mine levels, the player does not reach the floor). Extra fuel can be collected, but you must watch out for anvils and coffee bags. Another occasional obstacle may come, such as a shark.

You can send a card to a friend to go on a Jet Pack Adventure (which sends you to the Beacon). On July 26, 2010, the game was changed so only the first level of Jet Pack Adventure was playable for non-Members. Only members can play the entire game now. This is because of the new stamps that were released that day. Another change is that the home-screen was updated. As of September 13, Green Puffles can now assist pilots. The Green Puffles fly around your screen collecting coins and fuel cans, it is impossible to get the 0 coins stamp or bonus by bringing your Green Puffle with you.
It look like this :-
Jet Pack Adventure at Lighthouse
  • There are many obstacles in the game, specifically designed to slow the player down and make them lose fuel. Here is a list of all of them:
  • Anvils
  • Coffee bags
  • Shark
  • Whale (and blowhole)
  • Fluffy the Fish
  • Wind Generator 3000
  • Hot Air Balloon
  • Penguins throwing snowballs
  • Pine Trees
  • Wind Mills
  • A Hot Air Balloon
  • Snowballs Thrown
  • Trees (They don't actually move, but you still loose fuel if you bump into them)
Locations of levels
  • Beacon (beginning of game)
  • Beach
  • Town (landing base)
  • Snow Forts
  • Plaza (landing base)
  • Iceberg
  • Mountain
  • Cave (landing base)
  • Mine (landing base, end of game)
  • The Wilderness (Game over)


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